View Profile NightShadeShadow

54 Movie Reviews

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Night Shade Shadow gives you a five

rock on, deserves front page


THANKS FOR MUFFINS ON CHRISTMAS, THE MUFFINS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM ALL FOR THE MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas Magma

I liked it

Hey I love this Hoy Te Amo ++ it is oneof my favorite flashes on newgrounds. I loved the music in it and I liked your style of animating the flash while throwing in some humor with a soda can.
But what I hate is people who can not get over the fact that Prowlies at the River and Bitey of Brackenwood are FLIPPIN OLD. Hey assholes, make way for new, better flashes like this. To all the other people Fuck off for taking this off the top 100. I find it very awsome and vote five on it everyday to put it back on the top. Stop ruining good flashes so you can please your lord Phillips. FUCK YOU ADAM PHILLIPS YOU ASSHOLE GO BACK TO DISNEY AND STAY OFF NEWGROUNDS. GIVE OTHERS A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im Sorry Vinnie for that but it is a message to all who oppose this awsome flash. Make more, I beg of you. I vote five all the way.


I saw the teaser and I liked it, when i first saw this i thought "Stolen" but then i remember you put out a teaser before. All over it was good. But hey I play Halo 2 as well (on the Xbox live) and I do think it is awsome. Ok well, hope to find you on it. (Oh and btw, Jace, ty for the suggestions with my flash animations.)

I got Served

You just wait bear, I will serve your ass till Mcdonalds closes!


DUDE! that movie ruled with the f zero and what not. I gave the movie a 5 bcause it kicked lots and lots of ass. Keep Making my friend, keep making.

Crapon ice

that sucked, all it is is a slideshow with sort of moving objects, im not good at flash either but I can do better than this horrible monster.

Short and Stupid

Short, Stupid, made no sense

That was Great

Hey, it didnt matter about the large file size, since the movie kicked ass, it compensated for it. Friggen awsome I say, 5 and 10!

hmm...Should I have pie, or a kick in the nuts? I mean, you tell me, which is better?

Age 34, Male



Charleston, SC

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