I did not like it
It was short and pointless, what was there to like?
I did not like it
It was short and pointless, what was there to like?
Really Good
Hey, this animation was really good. The music touched in wit what was going on so well. I like it. It was awsome. It kicked ass. Your style is cool. I like the way how you made that one guy ugly at the end too, very clever.
teh uber
This movie kicked ass, i liked how you put the battle system along with the movie. Can you say, kick ass series in the making? Rock rock on!
Thank you!!
I give you a zero
I dont know why , But I didnt like it. I mean you probably took a long time to make it, but I dont care, it had not meaning.
Lol when you kept doing the thing when he was saying "No!" over and over it made me laugh. When the battery hit the ground that was hilarious too.
Ummm .....way to kick off the scary flash season...way...to...kick...it...off
That was good
Hey, that was pretty good lol I like how you did the first few dodgeballs, combine your stuff and make a better one. Overall it was pretty good! Im seeing a Krinkles in the making.
Ah, I don't think I am THAT good, but thanks.
hmm...Should I have pie, or a kick in the nuts? I mean, you tell me, which is better?
Age 34, Male
Charleston, SC
Joined on 8/6/04